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Black Widow Challenge | Bitlife

Bitlife’s Black Widow Challenge was a very exciting challenge and people fell into a craze to complete this challenge. This challenge is all about a female marrying male and killing them after making love.

Tasks of Black Widow Challenge in BItlife

  1. Be a female
  2. Kill 6 husbands after making love
Black Widow Challenge tasks in Bitlife

How to complete Black Widow Challenge in Bitlife?

Start a new life as a female and start making male friends since school. After becoming an adult, the purpose a male is to get married, if he refuses, spend some time with him and give him some gifts and propose to him again. Get married and make love and hook up then kill him smartly in such a way that you are never blamed as a murderer and repeat this for 6 times.

Smart ways to kill our Husband in Bitlife includes:

  1. Driven by method
  2. Impaled on stake
  3. Electrocute
  4. Pushing down from stairs
  5. Pushing down from cliffs
  6. Poison them

You can find males in your friend list, co-workers, clubbing or use a dating application. Impress males give them gifts, propose to them at entertainment places, get married , make love and kill them by given methods.

Black Widow Challenge Video tutorial with screenshots-Bitlife MOD APK

Why Black Spider called the Widow Spider?

Because this particular species of spider kills their male after mating. This Challenge in Bitlife is related to that Black Widow Spider.

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