Disco Inferno Cover photo-Bitlife-apkbitlife.com

Disco Inferno Challenge-Bitlife

Bitlife v3.14.1 updated with a new challenge “Disco Inferno Challenge!” Dance among the ashes, friend. We’re all about dancing and starting fires. Sow some fiery moves in simulations.

Disco Inferno Challenge Tasks

  1. Become a King
  2. Hook up with someone you met at the club
  3. Give someone you met at the club an STD
  4. Execute 5+ different people by burning them at the stake
  5. Go to the club after each execution
Inferno disco Challenge tasks in bitlife

How to complete the Disco Inferno Challenge in Bitlife?

Create a new life and be born as a Prince in the Royal family. Once you get 18 years old start visiting clubs again and again until you find someone to hook up with.

New Life as Prince in Bitlife
Clubbing In bitlife

How to become a King in Bitlife Disco Imferno Challenge?

Go to Activities and Crime, select murder, and Kill your mother Queen by Driven by method. And You will become King after your mother Queen passed away.

Murder Mother Queen-Bitlife
King's Succession in Bitlife

Now open activities and open up Love, hook up with multiple girls without using protection until you STD (Sexual Transmitted Disease). Once you become infected then do not treat yourself and again start visiting clubs again and meet someone and hook up with her and transmit your STD due to unprotected intimation.

STD Diagnosed in Bitlife
STD Diagnosed in Bitlife

In the last, open Royalty and Execute 5+ people by using the “burn at stake” method one by one. Remember after each single execution you must visit the club before the next execution.

Complete Disco Inferno Challenge in bitlife

Disco Inferno Challenge in Bitlife video Tutorial

Disco Inferno Challenge video tutorial

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