Espresso Challenge Bitlife | Expresso
The easiest Challenge so far in Bitlife the ” Espresso Challenge Bitlife” I have completed it within 10 minutes, in this article I am going to share my experience of completing this new challenge in Bitlife.
- Be born in Pennsylvania
- Beecome a Barista
- Break up with somene
- Go on Vacation
- Give an ex a Nintendo Switch

How to complete Expresso Challenge in bitlife?
Be born in Pennsylvania (state of United States) , become an adult and go to activities and go on a vacatiotions.

Go to dating App and find a Girlfriend and break up with her. After break go to your realtionships, tap on your ex, gift her the “Nitendo Switch” which cost $342.

To becom a Barista in Bitlife, go to Part-time jobs and apply for the Barista job.

Download Unblocked Bitlife Latest MOD version and enjoy cost free gaming.