The Golden Gals Challenge-Bitlife
The new update of Bitlife v3.14.2 included “Golden Gals Challenge ” which is totally dedicated to an aged woman and her aged friends with her, the word “Gal” means a lady or woman. A lady spent 20+ years as a teacher and living an independent life after being divorced and dating even at an older age and having female friends after 55 years of age
Given Tasks to complete the Golden Gals Challenge
- Be born a female in “Miami” (USA)
- Work as a teacher for 20+ years
- Get a divorce
- Make 3 female friends
- Date a clown at age 55+

How to Complete Golden Gals Challenge in Bitlife?
Start a new life as a female and select your country USA and city Miami irrespective of any particular name. As in this challenge you have to become a teacher so, from primary education you have to work hard and focus on study until you become an adult

At the age of 18 years apply for university and select the Education department. After completing your university education apply for a job as a teacher and get hired. Continue your teaching for 20+ years.

Find a man from your co-workers or dating app and get married to him, spend a few years and get divorced. After becoming a 55 year older lady, characters have to find female friends. For finding female friends, ask your co workers for friendship and make 3 female friends. If you are unable to find friends in your college, switch your job and find one there.

How to find a Clown in Golden Gals Challenge?
The most difficult task in this challenge is to date a clown, look for him in dating apps or clubs. Either you have to transform your gender and become yourself as a clown and date someone. However, continuously trying at dating apps and clubbing you will find a clown to date and there your challenge is completed.